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Shak Shak! So here I am to talk about the one topic that is most close to my heart right now and I am feeling the most passionate about winning is a mindset and today we are going to unlock keys to produce magical results in our lives. Are you ready? Let’s pretend we are Latin for a minute. Let me ask again. Are we ready? I am going to start by sharing the story of a young boy with a big dream. This boy pretty much dreamed about playing football his entire life and he got pretty good at it. He started playing and practicing and so his parents thought the boy was good. They should take him for a try out in one of the big clubs. So, they took him and there were a bunch of guys there who were deciding which kid they were going to sign and which kid they were not going to sign and when they looked at him, they thought he was good but what was wrong with him was, he was too small. They got him checked with doctors and found that he did have a problem and not a small problem if he wanted to be a football player. He had a growth hormone deficiency problem in essence. He was born with a problem that would not allow his body to grow. So, these people who were deciding who they were going to sign, they looked at him and they said, ‘We’re not signing a kid who was born broken.’ 

Have you ever felt broken before? Have you ever felt I am not good enough? I am not talented enough? I am not wealthy enough? I am not healthy enough? I am not sexy enough? There is something wrong with me. Well, this kid was born with a broken body, but he was definitely not born with a broken mindset, and he said, ‘I’m going to keep dreaming. I’m going to keep believing. And I will do whatever it takes to make this dream come true even if they say it is impossible. It is physically impossible. Whatever it takes, if that means that every day, I have to stick a needle in my leg just to see if my body wants to grow, I will do that. He kept going and he kept dreaming. At one point he said, ‘Yes, I’m not as tall as the rest. I’m not as strong as the rest. I’ll just have to learn how to play football in a different way.’ And this boy who was nicknamed La Pilga in his home country which in English means the flea because he became the biggest player of all times because this is the true story of Leonel Messi! Yes, it is! And you can give him a hand, the guy, who created history in football. The guy who just won a World Cup at age 35 after trying for 16 years. The guy who was named seven times the best player in the world in three different decades which says a lot about him and once he was asked, ‘Did you ever dream about this?’ and he said, ‘I’ve been dreaming about this dream my entire life.’ And the reason I admire this guy so much is because of his extraordinary talent to solve problems. Just imagine wanting to plate football and being born with that problem. He took a problem, transformed it into an opportunity using his mindset and maybe you are looking at this and you think it a cool story but just in case you didn’t notice, I am no Leonel Messi. Winning is not just for athletes. We do have something in common with athletes. The distance between an elite athlete and a trophy is the exact same distance between you and your next big dream. This distance is the distance between our ears. It is in our mindset and today we will see practical ways to unlock crazy possibilities in our lives. 

Did you know that most people do not dream big enough? Even the one who thinks they are dreaming big enough, they do not. People who you know go for big things, when you talk to them in private, they are scared of dreaming big. People who have Fame, Fortune, good looks, everything, you talk to them in private, they are scared about going big. Let me show you now what playing not to lose looks. So playing not to lose in essence is you keep on doing what you know how to do. So in essence what you do is you avoid taking risks and by avoiding taking risks, you also avoid failure. And by avoiding failure, you avoid feeling dumb and by avoiding feeling dumb, at some point, I could feel safe. But do you sense a problem here? People cannot grow this way.


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