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Today I want to discuss another interesting theme which is about how to become a professional trader. And this catch will be also useful for you if you are an amateur or a beginner. So, guys, you need to understand how the market flows and moves because when the market is done retracing, you need to get optimal entries. So, you can get the lowest risk and the highest reward. In the TradingView, you can see the going down and back of the quotations perfectly. First, we need to understand how to see the market structure. In some period of time, you need to consider the growth up and down of the quotations and how to consider the highest height, lowest low, high lows, high highs and so on. When you are having to deal with a short period of time, it will be, of course, not so similar as if you are working with a one-day time frame. So, it depends on what kind of strategy you are having, what kind of trading strategy you are going to deal with. So, you can part the chart in some distances. And, to consider them as a growing up or growing down, you can draw lines to decide what is going alone.


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